Makkah Tower retains its place as the 2nd tallest building in the world. Standing at the height of 1,972 feet (601.07 m), the Abraj Al-Bait Tower, also known as Makkah Royal Clock Tower, has been declared the second tallest building in the world by the United States Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat that is recognized as a world authority on supersized skyscrapers.
SWR Kultur

Turmuhren für die Welt: Kirchturmuhren der Firma Perrot

Matinee · 04.08.2024 · 6 Min.
Makkah Tower retains its place as the 2nd tallest building in the world. Standing at the height of 1,972 feet (601.07 m), the Abraj Al-Bait Tower, also known as Makkah Royal Clock Tower, has been declared the second tallest building in the world by the United States Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat that is recognized as a world authority on supersized skyscrapers.

Die größte Turmuhr der Welt steht in Mekka. Hergestellt wurde sie von der Firma Perrot aus Calw. Die baut seit 1860 Turmuhren und Läuteanlagen. Ein filigranes Handwerk zwischen Tradition und moderner Technologie. Von Lennart Behnke.

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