Illustration zur Hörspielserie "Früchte des Zorns".

Bonus-Song: "The Grapes of Wrath"

Früchte des Zorns – John Steinbecks Roman als Hörspiel-Serie · 16.11.2024 · 5 Min.
Illustration zur Hörspielserie "Früchte des Zorns".

"The Grapes of Wrath" Lyrics: First came the earth Formless and stark Then came the light to the darkness Then came the water Thus the sky Flora and fauna to drift and fly Earth made the men Men worked the earth Men in their wisdom knew soil and seed Earth birthed the men Men worked the earth Men in dominion knew greed Now the earth is baren Her body bruised Spoiled by the harrow and seeder The men, caged and iron and rubber, The tractor their steed Muzzled by neediness Dry is the earth lifeless as dust "We were born on this land And we died on this land It's worth more than a dollar, I figure" "But what you'd reap by hand By ten can the tractor With its blade and its disk and its auger" "O but we were here first! Know the river's dark thirst Know the roots and the stems and the leaflings!" The tenants, they cried Though the patience was tried Of the banker Immune to such pleading He says, "Men made the banks That is a fact But these banks are not made of mere beings It's the numbers they feed off The profits they need!" And a refuge from thought and feeling And locked though they were in a victorless war For men cannot win 'gainst such reasoning The ground 'neath their feet Suffered one last defeat A parable lost of all meaning O, dead is the earth Useless as dust Cut as a loss by the banker The tenants, they squat on their hams Draw in the sands Thinking, and figuring: Apple drops Peaches rot Branches droop Strange fruit Baby cries Grandpa dies Buzzin' flies Foreman lies Hunger grows Belly bloats Skin and bones Decomposed Faces hard Fingers scarred Dough and lard Children starve Mother weeps Prices steep Father steals Sheriff deals Heavy lash Bitter laugh Sworded slash Bloodied bath Vines of ash Grapes of wrath Komposition, Gesang und Klavier: Stephanie Nilles Weitere Instrumente: Thomas Deakin Mehr Information unter:

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